By: Michael O'Connor

Pride Month: What does it mean at Lewis to be an ally?

Did you know that over 8M workers in the U.S. identify as LGBTQ+? Of those, 50% are not out to their current supervisor and more than a quarter are not out to any coworkers. Think about what this may mean at Lewis.

As we begin to honor Pride Month during the month of June, let’s align the topic of pride with our company theme of “We (not me)” and echo some of the language used in the 2022 Human Performance Playbook. We (not me) recognizes that everything we do is people-centered and reinforces the criticality of building positive relationships.

One way to do this, not only this month but throughout the year, is to be an ally for anyone at Lewis and beyond who identifies as LGBTQ+. This may take on many forms from simply being a great listener, supporter, and caring friend—to speaking out against discrimination in the workplace and championing equality.

As a company, we know that don’t have all the answers, but we embrace our culture of learning. We will make mistakes along the way but together we will learn from them.

When it comes to being a pride ally, use the press pause tool to notice, understand, and forecast. Pay attention when you encounter any bias (in yourself or others). Take the time to reflect carefully. Put yourself in the other person’s shoes. Consider how your, or your team members’, actions may impact others. Take the time to explain if you find any situation inappropriate, harmful, or offensive. There’s no better way to learn.

Let's join together as allies and make the world a better place at Lewis and beyond.